
  • Dice NFT air drop (200 nft dices will be dropped for early adopters)25%
  • Diceclub merch drop (this includes blouses, t-shirts and hats)50%
  • Orphanage toy drop (we will donate 25k$ worth of toys for an orphanage)70%
  • Board games drop (every dice owner will get board game on the real life)90%
  • 100%
  • Every dice owner will get 1:1 real version of his dice
    Occasional NFT Drops
    NFT Metaverse casino game

NFT Casino Game

Dice Club NFT Casino

Our team is currently in the progress of creating the best casino game in the current NFT space. Dice holders get a share of the commission from all casino games.

Dice Club is the only NFT that brings you constant profit for holding.

You hold you earn!


What is The Dice Club?

It is 10 000 dices NFT collection created on the Ethereum Blockchain. Each dice has been randomly generated from 726841 possibilities.

How can I win?

Every dice which has 6 on top (doesn't matter in what mesh type) wins 0.1 ETH. The distribution of the prizes will take place after all dices are minted.

I got a 6, what now?

Now all you need to do is wait until all dices are minted. After this procedure, every owner of a dice with 6 on top will receive ethereum on the same wallet that holds the dice.

What is the smart contract address of the dice club?

Smart contract address will be announced later.

How much does it cost to mint a Dice?

Minting will be conducted using Ethereum. The exact amount of Ethereum required to mint will be revealed later.

How much gas does it take to mint?

Unfortunately, there is no possible way to foresee the amount of gas required to mint the Dice. It’s on Ethereum blockchain and its amount is dependent on the current movements on the chain. We recommend you to choose time of minting when the gas price is lower.

Where can I trade my Dice NFT?

You can choose between NFT markets that support Ethereum blockchain. After minting NFT is directly sent to your wallet. You just need to connect your wallet to NTF marketplace.